How Do Children Learn Language?

Language development is an extraordinary process. In fact, learning language is natural, a baby’s innate process is born knowing how to do it.1 Interesting it, all children, no matter which language their parents speak, learn language in the same way.

Overall, there are three stages of language development, which occurs in a familiar pattern. So, when children learn to speak, understand, and communicate, they follow a series of milestones that are expected when they begin to master their mother tongue like Pashto Language. However, note that individual children will advance with their own speed along this timeline in the expected range of deviations.

Language Development Stage 1: Learning Voice

When babies are born, they can hear and distinguish all the sounds in all languages ​​in the world. It was around 150 votes in about 6500 languages, although there was no language that uses all the sounds. The sound used in language called phonemes and English has around 44.2 several languages ​​using more and some use less.

At this stage, babies learn which phonemes are included in the language they learn and are not.3 The ability to recognize and produce sounds is called “phonemic awareness,” which is important for children who learn to read.

Baby language milestone

Although all children learn in a basic stage, language develops with different levels in different children. Most children follow the close pattern.4

Birth: When the baby is born, they can respond to the rhythm of language. They can recognize stress, speed, and ups and downs of tone.

4 months: as early as 4 months, babies can distinguish between language sounds and other noise. For example, they know the difference between words spoken and applause.

6 months: on 6 months, babies start blabbering and COO and this is the first sign that the baby learns language. Babies are now able to make all the sounds in all languages ​​in the world, but when they are one year old, they will drop a sound that is not part of the language they learn.

Language Development Stage 2: Learning Words

At this stage, children basically learn how the sound in language goes together to make meaning. For example, they learned that M-ah-M-Ee’s voice refers to “existence” that hugs and feeds them, their mother.

This is a significant step because everything we say is really just the sound flow. To understand the sounds, a child must be able to recognize where one word ends and the other starts. This is called “word boundary.”

However, children do not learn words, precisely. They actually learn morphemes, 5 which are the smallest and discrete discrete words can be broken down. Morphemes can be their own words or can be combined with other morphemes to form a word. So in “Mommy,” there are two morphemes: “Ma” and “Mee.”

Baby and Toddler Language Milestones

When your baby develops during the second half of their first year and become a toddler, their ability to make sound and respond to conversations will continue to increase.

8 months: Babies can now recognize the sound group and can distinguish the word boundaries. Although they recognize this group of sounds as words, they are still learning what these words mean. Babies of this age are more likely to understand the meaning of words related to their daily experiences, especially the food and body parts.

12 months: At this point, children can attach meaning to words. Once they can do that, they can start building vocabulary. They also began to imitate the new words they heard.

18 months: To communicate, children must know how to use the words they learn. In this stage of language development, children can recognize the difference between nouns and verbs. Generally, the first words in the child’s vocabulary are nouns.8

Language Development Stage 3: Learning Sentences

During this stage, children learn how to make sentences. That means they can put words in the right order. For example, they know that in English we say “I want a cake” and “I want a chocolate cake,” no “want me cake” or “I want chocolate cake.” you may have learned about, Languages tutor.

Children also learn the difference between truth and the meaning of grammar. Noam Chomsky created an example of the difference in this sentence “Colorful green ideas sleeping anger.” 9 Children will know that even though the sentence is correct in a grammar, it doesn’t make sense. They know that green is color and therefore cannot be colored and the ideas are not sleeping. However, they also know that the structure of nouns and verbs from the sentence works.

Toddler and preschool language milestones

Toddlers and your preschool children now use full words, simple sentences, and finally a more complex dialogue.

24 months: At this stage, children begin to recognize more than nouns and verbs and get an understanding of the structure of the basic punishment. They can use pronouns, for example. They also know the right order of words in a sentence and can make simple sentences like “I am a cookie?”, Which means “may I have a cake?”.

30 to 36 months: At this age, about 90% of what children say grammar correctly For example, they might say “I fell” not “I fell.” They study the grammar rules to form past tense by adding -ED to the verb but have not yet studied the exception to these rules.

In addition to 3 years: As a growing growing, children continue to expand their vocabulary and develop more complex language.11 The use of their language does not fully resemble adult language until around the age of eleven.

In pre-manpower, children began to use what is called the type sentence. These sentences show concessions like, “Even though the man was tired, he continued to work.” Small children are likely to say “The man is tired, but he continues to work.”

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Meet Master Henry, the prolific Australian author with a flair for capturing the essence of lifestyle, travel, and fashion in his captivating prose. Hailing from the land Down Under, Henry weaves vivid tales that transport readers to exotic destinations and infuse his writing with a touch of Aussie charm. With a keen eye for trends and an innate understanding of the finer things in life, Master Henry's work transcends conventional genres, offering a unique blend of sophistication and wanderlust.

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